If you’re interested in taking one of our sourdough workshops, click here!

Sourdough Social Workshop
In Person

Who doesn’t love a sourdough party?! This is a fun social workshop to help you be creative, dive into the world of sourdough bread, and start baking your own bread! During this 2 hour social, you’ll learn the basics of sourdough, eat delicious bread, hang with friends, and take home your own starter!


  • What is sourdough? Learn about the history behind the bread.

  • Learn about starter and how it is used to bake.

  • You will be given your own ingredients for a loaf (flour, salt, water, starter) and we will go through the sourdough making process step by step. We will start the process in class by completing stretch + folds and you will take it home to finish the process. I will answer any questions as we go.

  • We will talk about how to make sourdough SIMPLE and easily incorporate it into your life. Sourdough is not limited to just bread! I will share some of my favorite recipes and how I use it daily.

  • We will snack on some yummy sourdough bread and other samples!


  • Your own dough/loaf that you will mix during class and then take home to proof and bake. ($10 value)

  • Active starter so you can start baking immediately! ($5 value)

  • Option to add in any item from my tool list to the total price/pp.